Monday, November 5, 2007

How to Make Money Without Selling Links

When Google penalized bloggers for selling links on their blogs the most affected are small time bloggers. With the possible effect on Page Rank by selling links, small time bloggers have lost a very effective way of monetizing their blogs. To mention a few of programs that have helped many bloggers earn online, we have:
  • TLA
  • Reviewme
  • Smorty
  • Payperpost
  • Sponsored Reviews
  • Linkworth

With these types of earning programs, small time bloggers are at least guaranteed more or less a $100 a month. Making reviews make instant money. Imagine a 50 word review that will give you as little as $5 to as high as $300, and how about putting a single link in your blog for $5 to $100 a month.

The programs so mentioned above had really helped me make money online. But now, Google has set its rules. "Sell Links and Loose Your Page Rank". There is definitely some good reason behind this but the question now is "How can we make money without selling links?". I threw that question to myself and I've come up with a few ways to still monetize my blog.

I realized I still have the following:

1. Google Adsense
2. Bidvertiser
3. Adbrite
4. Kontera
5. Auction Ads
6. Amazon
7. Shopping Ads
8. Widget Bucks
9. Voxant
10. Pay-ads
11. Clickbooth
12. Clixsense
13. Hitsforpay
14. Treasuretrooper
15. Paycage
16. Chitika
17. Cashcrate
18. Mylot

More at my Money Makers List.

Certainly, the ways to make money online for now have been limited but am sure there will be more opportunities, more money making programs to look forward to. It's very possible to make money online without selling links or making reviews. There really is not enough reason to frown or get upset. As for me, I now focus more on adsense, chitika, clickbooth, voxant and shopping ads. I'm committed to make money online and nothing will bring my hopes down.


Adil said...

thnx for visiting my blog. hope you enjoyed your visit. please do comeback for more money making ideas. yes dp forum is making me money. you can too make money with your blogs.

best of luck.

admin said...

thanks for visiting my blog too adil..

Scott W Strickland said...

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