Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tracking My Adsense Revenue: $1.23 A Click

The other day I was so surprised to see that one of the clicks in the adsense ads in my Funny Photography blog amounted to $1.23 a click. I could imagine myself getting at least 10 clicks multiplied into $1.23, I could make a lot of money in a day from adsense alone.

Image Removed to comply with adsense policy.

The earnings indicated in the image was not my overall earnings for that day. I tracked the ads found in my blog that day and one of the ads was linked to new york times and something about film making. I speculate these are high paying ads. But i'm still observing and I can't conclude with finality. Right now my photography blog gets at least 30 visitors a day. Not so impressive but am content for now. It's making money for me at least..


RollinMao said...

Adsense has different bids for different keywords... I believe there is one keyword that cost $40+ per click... i think it's "education loan" or something...

admin said...

thanks rollinmao.

there are keywords that pay as high as $60 a click but its so hard to find what that keyword is and target it. But I'll figure some high paying keywords soon. I have to do lots of experimentation here..heheheh...

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