Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Controversy Over Paid Links and Page Rank

Google dropped the Page Rank of many blogs high profile blogs and even low profile blogs like my blog "Make Money Online" which has reached the lowest Rank for the past months- a terribly devastating PR-1 and PR-2 according to different Google Centers.

While I have decided to not dwell on the matter and cry my heart out for the PR drop, an email was sent to me this morning from Webpronews. The opinions from different bloggers and website owners are worth reading. Take a look at some of what website owners have to say about their PR going down.

1. Google Is Justified
This should come as no surprise, after all Google warned us. Paid links hit at the core of why we all love Google ... its quality search results. Google is perfectly justified in taking steps to protect the integrity of its SERPS.

Lowering page rank of those who sell links levels the playing field for all of us who don't sell them. It is Google's search engine and they can do what they want in order to keep it great and even improve it.

2. Google is Out of Control
Google sells links and should not penalize others for selling them too. Why should Google be able to tell me how to link and whom to link to? What is wrong with linking and why should I have to put a no-follow tag on a link when I genuinely like a site.? How does their algorithm know that I received payment for a link?

Google is simply out to crush competition. Don't they remember their roots? It was the webmasters who were the first adopters of Google's search engine. It was us who made you rich Google! One blogger called it a Google "bitch slap!" Is Google retaliating against me for criticizing them in my blog?

Is Google the next Microsoft? All of us lowly web peasants should ask forgiveness from our beloved Internet King! Google, you are a competitive monopoly who should realize that your actions impact the livelihoods of thousands of Internet entrepreneurs.

3.Why Me? Please Give My PR Back!
I don't sell links anymore. I have removed all the links that look like they are paid. Now please reinstate my page rank! I want to thank all of my sponsors and I hope that they will keep this PR drop in perspective and continue advertising with me. I really don't sell links, I am simply thanking my friends and partners for their support.

I am sorry I did not take your prior statements more seriously. Google, I thought that you were talking about link farms, not quality content sites like mine that sell a link here and there. I literally spend 60 hours a week writing unique content and I have now removed the links that look suspicious.

I was just kidding when I suggested my page rank loss was because I stopped using Adsense. I have written you asking for my page rank back and I am waiting for your response.

Apparently, I am not the only person experiencing a Page Rank murder if I may call it. I placed "no follow" attribute in the links coming from Reviewme, Linkworth and TLA, and some private transactions. And yet my PR dropped. If this scenario continues, what will happen to small time bloggers who chiefly rely on Reviewme, Linkworth, TLA, Smorty, Reverse Links and other similar programs to monetize their blogs? This Page Rank Murder seems to suggest we use only adsense, bidvertiser and adbrite instead.


Maher Saleh said...

Hi lady!

I am sorry about the pr drop google is acting crazy these days,

Can you please change my old blog url in your blog roll to the new it was please change it to

admin said...

thanks maher.. google's page rank is really going nuts lately.. i don't know if we can still trust it.. i already change the url..)

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